Rolling Myth Lab

08 April 2024
Rolling Myth Lab officially opened!

We are proud to announce the opening of Rolling Myth Lab (RM-Lab)!

RM-Lab gathers researchers interested in experimental, cognitive, and behavioral psychology. Primarily, we conduct our research projects on topics related to misinformation (especially understanding the mechanisms behind misinformation reliance and investigating techniques to counter it), conspiracy theories, and eyewitness testimony. Our goal is to support the idea of creative science; we believe in the value of creating a passion for research coming from independence and cooperation, and we seek to inspire others to adopt such an approach.

We invite you to follow our website, which contains all the information about our ideas, ideals and activities, publications and current projects, as well as information about Lab members and Lab activities. We hope that RM-Lab will contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms of misinformation reliance and establish a proficient and friendly platform for the exchange of scientific knowledge in this field of psychology.

Follow us also on our social media:


Stay safe amidst misinformation world (maybe our research will shed light on how...)


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Rolling Myth Lab